Sunday, October 18, 2009

1. Mutualism!

I was thinking that "What should i write here about Reality TV?" and then i realized that i don't need to write bad comments about it. Yes ok actually i don't think it's good but we or at least i watch when i see a show like "Reality TV show" i don't change the channel i do first look what's happening there. I googled definition of Reality TV and i found on web page of wikipedia that "Reality television is a genre of television programming that presents purportedly unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and usually features ordinary people instead of professional actors." and i found out that Reality Tv shows are actually shows like the other thing on the tv. I mean, i personally believe that everything on tv are staged and these are staged as well but the little difference is casts are not professional actors but ordinary people. This is why i think reality TVs are not different from normal series. Normal series show bad things as well but peoples' attitudes are different. However, there are some points on reality tv which are not ethically normal such as revealing peoples' private life but actually i don't believe that they actually revealed unintetionally. I think they both satisfied with the reality tv shows because the person who revealed becomes more famous and the person who reveal become richer. They have mutualist relitionship.


  1. This is a very perceptive post, Fatih. I think you're probably right that there's nothing, or at least very little, on reality shows that isn't scripted in advance. Your idea of a mutually beneficial relationship is very interesting, thanks.

  2. Fatih, can you also add your name to your blog title? It is a bit difficult for me to remember who "Welcome to my blog" is...

    Thanks :)
